Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Good news, good news!!

So far so good. I haven't received any rejections from any schools at this point. I did receive word from Georgetown the day after my last post, but it said I was on their "preferred waitlist". I'm not exactly sure what this means, but I think it's better than being deferred. We'll see what happens with them.

On the same day, I received my acceptance package from George Washington University. That was really exciting. When I first started looking at which schools I should apply to, I told my Wife that I thought I would probably be at GW when everything was said and done. I would definately be happy there. The school is located right in the middle of everything in D.C. and from everything I've read and heard, it's a great school. So, as it stands right now, that's where I'll be going. There are still quite a few schools that I haven't heard back from in my "target" range, but I don't think any of them would beat out this one. Of course, if I get some good news from NYU, Columbia or GULC, than I will be attending one of them. Maybe we'll know more next week.

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