Saturday, May 20, 2006


So let it be written, so let it be done.

After looking over the last few posts, I realized I hadn't officially said that I am now done pondering and we are on our way to George Washington University Law School. It's a really good school and I enjoyed the weekend we spent in D.C., so that's where we're headed. It will also give my wife a lot of options for work (she already has a few leads at NIH to go after) and after school we can decide if we want to continue moving around the world or settle down for a little while. One thing at a time for now, however.

I was also thinking about the goals I had origionally set for myself way back in August. Apparently I didn't set them high enough since I met pretty much all of them... I finished my personal statement and got my applications sent in early, scored well on the LSAT, and got accepted into at least three "Top 25" schools. I don't know what else I could or should have done, since I'm very happy with the way things have worked out. We are both really looking forward to living in a real metropolitan area (New Orleans, I don't think, qualifies). We are planning on a trip back out there sometime near the end of June to find a place to live. GWU is having another new-student-house-hunting-weekend, so we may go then... It's up in the air right now if I'll go alone (save a little cash) or if my wife will come along and again try to have a meeting with someone about possible employment. I would rather she comes along, of course, but it may not work out.

For now, I want to actually start packing some of the things around the house and writing letters of continued interest to my Waitlist schools. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?? Well, this time I'll give it a little better effort. If anything comes up between now and June, I'll be sure to let you all know.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006



Once again, it's been quite some time since the last update to this place. However, there isn't much to report. The only bit of news worth telling is that I am now also on the NYU waitlist. It's actually pretty incredible and I need to get a letter together to "show my continued interest" so that I remain on the active list. The very last school I am waiting to hear from is USC (Southern California). According to their admissions office, I wasn't deferred or placed on the waitlist or rejected... my application is still simply under review. But looking at the graph on the Law School Numbers site (here), I am not alone in this situation. For whatever reason, they are taking longer than everyone else to admit the "maybe's". I honestly don't think I would choose USC over GW, but I still want to know their decision!!

What else is happening? Well, I guess I won't hear about my financial aid until sometime in June, so no news there. It's a little early to look for a place to live in D.C. so no news there, although I did talk to my landlord this afternoon and told him we would be here until the end of July, so that's one thing out of the way. I am also going to go buy a bike tonight. I think it will be a nice way to commute through the city if we don't live close enough to a metro station (or the University).

I think that's about it at the moment. I'm sure there are things I could do to prepare myself for the rigors of law school, but I don't see the need. I'll get enough dense reading done the first week of classes to make up for any time I miss out on right now. Well... I'll be sure to update this if/when something exciting happens. Until then... well... we'll see.

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