Wednesday, August 17, 2005


One step forward...?

After doing my first couple of homework assignments from class, I feel like I'm not doing as well as before I started the class. The obvious conclusion is that I'm trying to learn a new systematic way of attacking the problems so, of course, I'm not up to the same speed. Over time, I'm sure I will use my "old way of doing things" for a certain number of the more standard questions that I had been getting correct anyway and utilize these new techniques for dissecting the more challenging ones. I was surprised by the amount of "sufficient vs. necessary" problems I was answering incorrectly.... The subtleties within an "If/Then" statement are almost imperceptible, but they are definitely there. Fortunately, I've learned that there is a difference between these two sentences: "If the children go outside, then the sun is shining" and "If the sun is shining, then the children go outside". Or how about "If I do well on my LSAT, then I will get into a Top 25 law school" vs. "If I get into a Top 25 law school, then I did well on my LSAT"?

P.S. I should do some more work on my personal statement.

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