Friday, August 12, 2005


The Day After Yesterday...

Well, not much exciting news from my first LSAT prep class. Not that I think it will be boring or ineffective, but we just did a practice test to help us get an idea of where we are starting from. One problem however... I have been doing practice tests on my own and had done this one the previous night. So I scored really well (177), but it won't help me gauge my progress. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I know where I'm at right now and I'm looking forward to Lesson 1 tomorrow.

The good news is there are only three of us signed up for the class. The other two guys seem really friendly, so it should be a relaxed, casual atmosphere. The instructor seems like a decent guy too. He told us he scored 174 on his LSAT and is trying to get into Harvard... I hope he does so I don't have to compete with him for a spot somewhere else!

Tonight I'll do some more studying. The most common bit of advice I've heard or seen is to simply do as many practice tests as you possibly can, so when I get home, I'll do another. I've finished six or seven of them now and my scores have averaged in the mid-160's but they have been a little more inconsistent than I would like. I'm confident that will work itself out in the next month and a half, however.

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